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Karma Ltd. Extended

Kunsthaus Acud Macht Neu, Berlin


Karma Ltd. Extended,
Logo by Fertig Design 

Karma Ltd. Extended is a curatorial collaboration between Petra Poelzl, Pauline Doutreluingne and Jana J. Haeckel that refers to the connections and effects of the digital transformation on the political, social, ecological and economic living conditions of the present. It puts the human imagination centerfold by focusing on artistic narratives about future possibilities of coexistence. In their research, the curators search for artistic trajectories and visions that broaden our senses for unexpected fantasies. They focus on the acting subject and design a wide variety of counter-perspectives and alternatives. Karma Ltd. Extended is political, poetic, performative, intersectional-feminist, experimental and much more.


CHAPTER #1: Imagination
CHAPTER #2: Transcultural Transience
CHAPTER #3: Variations on Time
CHAPTER #4: Post-Internet Mythologies
CHAPTER #5: Brauchen Wir einen Linken Populismus?
CHAPTER #6: Species of Spaces

CHAPTER #1: Imagination
02.02. – 04.03.2018

Anouk De Clercq (Ghent/Berlin), Farkhondeh Shahroudi ​(Téheran/Berlin), Pedro Vieira de Oliveira ​(Brazil/Berlin), Isabel Lewis (New York/Berlin), Notfoundyet (Vienna), Viviana Druga (Transylvania/Berlin), Karma She (Israel/Berlin) and Liam Young (London/Australia).

CHAPTER #2: Transcultural Transience

16.03. – 15.04.2018

We cannot act without supports,and yet we must struggle for the supports that allow us to act. 

Judith Butler in: Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly

Isaac Chong Wai, Rachel Monosov, Slavs & Tatars, Abrie Fourie, Black Cracker

CHAPTER #3: Variations on Time

27.04. – 27.05.2018

There is neither source nor end, for all things are in the Center of Time. As all the stars may be reflected in a round raindrop falling in the night: so too do all the stars reflect the raindrop. There is neither darkness nor death, for all things are, in the Light of the Moment, and their end and their beginning are one.

Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness

Kapwani Kiwanga, Susanne M. Winterling, Emilija Škarnulytė

CHAPTER #4: Post-Internet Mythologies

08.06. – 10.06.2018

in collaboration with Torstrassen Festival 

Tianzhuo Chen, Beio, Yu Han, Felix Florian Tödtloff

CHAPTER #5: Brauchen Wir einen Linken Populismus?

15.06.2018 – 15.07.2018

All power comes from the people. But where does it go to?

Bertolt Brecht

Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Leon Kahane, Raul Walch, Wermke/Leinkauf, Margarita Tsomou 

CHAPTER #6: Species of Spaces

22.09 – 28.10.2018

When nothing arrests our gaze, it carries a very long way. But if it meets with nothing, it sees nothing; it sees only what it meets. Space is what arrests our gaze, what our sight stumbles over: the obstacle, bricks, an angle, a vanishing point. Space is when it makes an angle, when it stops, when we have to turn for it to start off again. 

Georges Perec, Species of Spaces, p. 80.

Anna Zett, Heba Y. Amin, Deniz Gül, Lawrence Abu Hamdan 

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